I'm going to share a client story:
WHY KINESIOLOGY IS SO IMPORTANT to clearing the pathway of love.
An examples is a client who was struggling to trust her partner. She had many good reasons not to trust him, he had let her down and consistently not put into action her needs, which he had agreed to.
She was resentful, shutdown and sad about this loss.
The good news was he was finally on board to change.
He was showing up actively listening,
we had been working on conscious communication
and meeting her anxiety with kindness and curiousity.
This is when I recognised that whilst
And that my client had every reason to be cautious.
There was stuck patterns of fear and anxiety from her past that was interfering with the change she wanted.
So, in conjunction with her couples counselling and coaching,
we agreed the importance of shifting this was vital to her getting the love she wanted
which was now showing up by action and intention from her partner.
And so we had. an incredible session of Kinesiology, her body and energetic matrix
showed me what we needed to shift and clear.
Solar plexus clashes with throat.
A right hip issue from the lack of support.
Deep fear in bladder meridian and liver stuck in resentment.
Clearing eye-modes around abandonment ( a Kinesiology form of EMDR)
And gentle energy streaming into her body to align it all
Her resentment is no longer there.
She is now more open and getting better results from her Couples Sex Therapy that I offer online or in Ocean Grove
2 smiling individuals were clearing the way to love and learning the skills to connect, to listen to each other and to express their needs for connection, intimacy and the pleasure they wanted in the WAY they needed.
BOOK your Kinesiology session today in Ocean Grove:
Love Belle x